You can declare a local variable simply by creating an expression containing only the name of the variable, and assigning a value to it. 只需要创建一个仅包含变量名称的表达式,并为其指定一个取值,就可以声明一个局部变量。
For instance, if you have a% union declaration that includes both integer and pointer values, and you declare a token to use the pointer value, but your lexer fills in the integer value 例如,如果您有一个既包括整型值又包括指针型值的%union声明,而且您声明了一个记号来使用指针类型的值,但是您的lexer却赋与其整型的值
You can declare and initialize a test variable, set its scope, and change its value. 您可以声明并初始化一个测试变量,设置它的范围,并更改它的值。
As you can see, you can declare a property and assign its value at the same time. 正如所看到的,可以同时声明属性并为其赋值。
First, declare a global value that any probe can use ( the global namespace is common to all probes), then initialize it to zero. 首先,声明一个任何探针都可以使用的全局值(全局名称空间对所有探针都是通用的),然后将它初始化为0。
In other words, you can declare a variable in XPath and assign it a value from the XPath. 换句话说,您可以在XPath中声明变量并从XPath中为其赋值。
You must declare a sensor parameter value of True or False for your Google Maps API application. 您必须在GoogleMapsAPI应用程序中声明一个值为True或Flase的传感器参数。
Do I have to declare contents and its value? 我必须声明包裹内容和它的价值吗?
The directors cannot declare a dividend that would cause total stockholders 'equity to fall below the par value of the outstanding shares. 董事会不能宣布将导致股东权益总额低于发行在外股份票面价值的分红。
This example demonstrates how to declare a variable, assign a value to it, and use the value in a text. 下面的例子告诉我们如何声明一个变量,并给它赋一个值,以及如何在一个文本当中使用这些变量的值。
Declare all articles on this declaration form and show the value in US dollars. 请用此申报表申报所有物品,申报价值以美元表示。
The total amount of insurance premium must be equal or less than the customs declare value. 客户投保额度不得高于货物申报价值额度。
Then you declare a float called f and then assign it let me scroll up for the folks in front that give return value of GetFloat. 然后你声明一个float类型f,再赋值-,让我向上为你们回滚到-,给出了GetFloat的返回值。
I declare a variable called n.I'm not giving it a value yet, so I had better be careful. 我申明一个变量n,我先不给它赋值,所以我最好小心点。
I am aware that I will have to DECLARE THE GOODS TO CUSTOMS ON MY RETURN TO AUSTRALIA if the total value of the declarable goods in my possession at that time exceeds the tax free concession. 须知,如果当时持有的申报物品之总价值超过了免税特许的范围,应在回澳时向海关申报。
You don't have to declare a special variable for it if you don't care about its actual value. 你并不需要为它声明一个特定的变量,如果你不关心它的实际值。
This declare that "elite-orientated" of moral education value orientation has an inherent negotiate which can't be solved itself. 这昭示着,精英化的德育价值取向具有内在的否定性,它所存在的问题是自身难以克服的。
The theoretical analysis and experiment on PC declare that the study on the distributed VTS system based on CORBA has high reference value to VTS systems 'information networking engineering, and provides technological bases to realize Chinese VTS systems' information networking as soon as possible. 理论分析和微机实验表明,基于CORBA的分布式VTS系统的研究将对VTS系统信息网络化工程有很高的参考价值,为我国早日实现VTS系统信息网络化提供了一定的技术基础。
Contemporary outstanding and the 90's experimental artists are same, by respective artistic language and the manifestation elaborated they to the life feeling and society's experience, declare their artistic pursue and the life value idea. 当代优秀的陶艺家们和九十年代的实验水墨艺术家们一样,正在以各自的艺术语言和表现形式来阐述他们对生活的感受和社会的体验,来宣示他们的艺术追求和生活价值观念。